Thursday 29 November 2012

Age of Legends Skill

There are 3 different characters in Age of Legends the Rogue, Warrior and Mage. They have different names for their skills but they all do the same thing.
V.Piercing Attack
VI. Rage
VII.Blood Lust

Everyone first skill
Skill I
Boosts attack and defense by 0.4 each point invested. When it is maxed out you get 100 extra attributes in attack and defense. Very important skill recommended to be maxed
Skill II
It is a money maker/money saver. You gain more money when you win a battle, you lose less money when a player beats you. max this only if you want a lot of money$$$. It is not recommended to add anything into this skill though because 90% of the players stash their money.
Skill III
One of the most crucial, if not the most important skill in the game. Reduces enemies weapon and companions by a percentage. When this skill is maxed out you take 45% less damage from your opponent. Especially at higher levels this can mean life or death, It will also save you a lot of money from paying the healer. Recommended to be maxed ASAP.
Skill IV
Allows you to gain more experience from BATTLES (not missions or quest). Experience from battles is very limited usually around 6 exp. The percentage gain barely helps at all, but it will in the long run. Get this skill if you want to level up quickly, but beware if you level up too quick, your weapons/companions won’t be able to keep up with higher level players.
Skill V & VI
Both these skills CAN be effectively but they are solely based on chance of a critical block or hit, Personally I think chances aren’t good and prove a lot of inconsistency, one battle you win badly and the second battle you can lose badly. Add this skill if you like taking chances in your battles.
Skill VII
Another very important skill boost another skills effectiveness. When maxed adds an extra 133% effectiveness to your other activated skill. for example with Skill I, it will increase your attributes by 233 when paired. Very strong skill recommended to be maxed asap!
Skill VIII
This skill has the potential to be the best skill. It can be leveled up infinite amounts of times giving it unlimited potential. The drawback is that it takes a lot of leveling up to make it even worthwhile, I recommend staying away from this skill unless your committed.

Age of Legends Quests

Quests allow for you to gain experience, money and enchantments.
Quest Regions in order of progression:
  • Kalamador
  • Harrogath
  • Northrend
  • Stone Mountain
  • Azeroth
  • Ald’rahn
  • Tem Mora
  • Fel Marshlands
  • Niagara
  • Tunder Valley
  • Maar Kingdom
  • Ironforge
  • Marrowind
  • Orihalcon Gates

Age of Legends Game Info

Age of Legends is powered by Mobage, the best, free, social game network.
Version: 1.4.4 (02-27-2012)
Developer: Mobage
Genre: Arcade & Action
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The war-torn lands of Nekuria hold many secrets, eternal glory or inevitable death awaiting those who discover them. Most who seek to prove themselves are soon forgotten. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Which one are you? Discover yourself here , it is your game show yourself……….
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